Here is something i wrote sometime back. Thought I might share it. Incidentally on reading it again today, I agree more to the title of my blog space....DISSENTED UNISONS.... Have a look.
They say there is god. They say there is evil. They say there is a good and they say there is a bad. The contests between the virtues and the vices have been age old and biased. The vices, evil and the bad have never been contested against the fair, even and the good on a plain ground. It has always had a biased contest with the so called and professed good where the latter had won before the contest. Who was he who marked these differences? Did we ever challenge his thought and prophesies as being a component of good or evil? I guess not. There are a million such questions which still stand unanswered and the common logic behind their acceptance is the fact that it has been agreed upon since generations. I refuse to agree to such reasoning if at all there is reasoning. I behold my right to think and to judge. I agree to give the evil a chance to prove its mettle.
The straight of Gibraltar was until long assumed to be the end of the world. No one ever questioned it as it was something being passed on through generations. The great Galileo was looked upon with disgust and was treated as an outcast and a rebel till the day the whole world started to worship his thoughts as one of the greatest revelations in the history of mankind. The point that I want to make here is anything assumed without a question is nothing but fallacy and an insult to mankind and its ability to think.
They say there is god. They say there is evil. They say there is a good and they say there is a bad. The contests between the virtues and the vices have been age old and biased. The vices, evil and the bad have never been contested against the fair, even and the good on a plain ground. It has always had a biased contest with the so called and professed good where the latter had won before the contest. Who was he who marked these differences? Did we ever challenge his thought and prophesies as being a component of good or evil? I guess not. There are a million such questions which still stand unanswered and the common logic behind their acceptance is the fact that it has been agreed upon since generations. I refuse to agree to such reasoning if at all there is reasoning. I behold my right to think and to judge. I agree to give the evil a chance to prove its mettle.
The straight of Gibraltar was until long assumed to be the end of the world. No one ever questioned it as it was something being passed on through generations. The great Galileo was looked upon with disgust and was treated as an outcast and a rebel till the day the whole world started to worship his thoughts as one of the greatest revelations in the history of mankind. The point that I want to make here is anything assumed without a question is nothing but fallacy and an insult to mankind and its ability to think.

What is and who is god? The supreme power and the creator of this universe is the often heard answer. A few questions do still linger in my mind. If it was god who created this world which is one of his best creations, why is he not part of it? Is it so shameful or is it that it is not a great creation and we are living in hell which we assume to reach after we die? If he is a part of this world, he is mortal as we know that there is nothing immortal in this universe. If he is mortal, why do we worship him and regard him for being immortal. What is his age? When was he born? Why is he hiding? Why not do a life cycle assessment of god? These arguments might sound weird and disturbing for the brains which refuse to accept the fact that god is a non entity. I stand in the middle of god and Satan today and am asking these questions because I live by reason and logic and am providing the same opportunity for both god and Satan.
God as I see it is nothing but an extended version of ones fear. He is the living manifestation of our incompetence and lack of knowledge. I would like to take the reader to our prehistoric times wherein the wind, sea, water, thunder, jungles were worshipped. At that point in time there was no Christ, no Krishna, no Prophet, no Judas, no Nanak and no Buddha. These were the gods of the prehistoric times. These were worshipped because man was afraid of their fury, their anger and their power to destroy. He had been witness to incidents when he was exposed to the wrath of these natural forces. He had no answer to such phenomenon then and was helpless. Over the period of time, the meteorological sciences evolved, engineering sciences evolved which understood these forces and to a large extent invented and developed ways wherein man could be saved by the wrath of these forces. The fear is till there today but very minimal. This is because we have been successful in exploring the logic, science and reason behind these forces. They do not scare us anymore so we do not worship them anymore.
This analogy leads us to a point where we establish the fact that we worship things that we fear. All of us fear the evil, the Satan. He then under the reasoning established should be worshipped and is none different than god himself. Man is powerful and fear can only come down in one form. Fear is fear as A is A. There can be no other meaning to it. Fear cannot hold attributes like the good fear and the bad fear. If we start assigning attributes to fear, we start being biased again. The entire universe is an explanation of science. I would agree to a few of my friends who would pose questions on me regarding many unanswered issues and questions with regard to the creation and birth of this universe. To them, I would like to go back to the example of Galileo and say that our science is still not so developed to find answers to those questions. The growth of science would mean the death of god. An absolute panacea is something which will eliminate all fears from our minds and thereby eliminate the God as well as the Satan. There would be no one to blame them for our mistakes and no one to take credit for our successes. It would be only us, responsible for what we do. To some extent, even today we are in a manner quite similar to our pre historic godfathers who were apprehensive about various forces of nature. Even now we are apprehensive about many issues. I might be over estimating or talking in a language which reeks of over optimism and agree that the absolute evolution of science is more of an ideal situation as of date and does not seem very practically possible but this does not refute my reasoning that the day when it is achieved there would be no fear and no god or Satan. To assign all these scientific evolutions to someone called god is like taking credit away from someone deserving.
I myself believe in God and am not an atheist but a few questions still linger in my mind which I cannot ignore. These questions put me in a dilemma. Although being a believer in god, I have more faith in the power of mankind and the ability of the muscle and the brain. There is nothing more powerful and more beautiful than that. God is a sign of my weakness and I am not ashamed to confess it.
Great thought, lot of reasoning and logics, eloquent and juicy words. You have your own way of negating your own thoughts to prove yourself logical and reasonable but I believe you should try this way also. "God is an excellent programmer so we are programmes including this climate, mountain, river, ocean etc. People in prehistoric age were frightened of wind, water and other things which was not acceptable to the God so he has upgraded them into us. Now you being an upgraded programme dont have fear of all those things but still you are not perfect and God being perfectionist wants to improve you thats why he has programmed you in way so that you can upgrade yourself automatically. Now, one thing evevn I can't understand that how a person can be part of his own creation. although God being great and generous, wants to be part of it when this programme will be perfect. He is waiting for the right time. Everyone is programmed to believe or not to believe in creator by creator himself because he wangted to see how a programme will behave if he is programmed in this way. He is a perfect programmer and everything is working as he thought. Believe me, he is happiest now as you have behaved in an unconventional manner and he will soon upgrade you."
@ anonymous... fantastic, brilliant, mind blowing and amazing. One of the best possible reasoning, logic one could have given to this and that too in a manner so convincing... thanks for the food for thought but i thnk the conviction will take some time... It definetely raises some interesting questions in my mind as well..... Please identify urself on your next visit..... Once again..... fantastic....
Good for people to know.
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