The motivation behind this post is an old love of mine...... OLD MONK..... I've been drinking it for close to more than 6 years now and it has never let me down..... Interestingly, I find it there in almost all of the wonderful moments that I cherish......
Some analysis of Old Monk.........
Cheap and Affordable.......
Starts working with the first gulp that you take
Doesnt give you a hangover
An excellent medicine just in case you have a throat problem (regular old monk rummies rarely have this problem ;))
Has a sweeter taste than the others
The bottle reminds you of the old age drunkards in a barn or an inn......
Gives you the rusty feel
Has a colour which ignites passion within you
Goes great with soda, water or coke
You can use the old monk bottles for growing money plants in your home (donno what the connection is but invariably everyone would have seen one)

Hardly any......
Sucks up your liver (but who cares)
Has a tendency to take you out of bounds as you cant stop and the results of Old monk overdose can be catastrophic (leaves you with a wide variety to choose from....... superman, spiderman, shaktimannn, saint, devil....... you can turn into anything)
Not available everywhere
Old Monk in other words can be described as Pleasure Guaranteed..... We started off together during my Delhi University days and it seems to stick even till date. Back then it was the most affordable drink as we were always short of cash but now its graduated as being the most favourite. I would also like to mention about the magnificient correlation Old Monk and Wills Navy Cut ciggarates share...... Both are like husband and wife..... And these two have stayed with me for a considearbly long period of time......
Well I know the evils of smoking and drinking and I also know that had I been a sane person, I should not be doing it..... But hey......., who said that i was sane and if I aint, whats the point of mentoring an insane????? And moreover, everyone has a different set of priorities, ideas, likes and dislikes..........This is just to ward off any comments dealing with I should quit and stuff....... Sorry, I think these two will go down with me till my grave...........
To Alcohol....... The cause and the solution to all of lifes' problems..........
As a Belgian (Belgium is the land of beer) I like a fine beverage (not only beer) now and again and with moderation, and not only for the alcohol which it contains.
Old monk is some value for money.
But if you're trying rhum give Bacardi Reserva (!Reserva!) a try. It's not cheap, but I have found no match for this as an after dinner digestive.
Btw: I have visited india and I loved it.
We all know that smoking and consumption of Alchahole is injurious to our health!!! But no one cares this and never try to quit it, that's really due to their addiction towards those habits!!
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