Monday, June 30, 2008

Mid Year Update

My last entry had come in when the year began, now this one is coming in in the middle of the year...... My researchers' mind says that the next one is due sometime in December :) But its really a shame on my part to have behaved like this. Yet again, I broke my promise to be more regular on my blog. So learning from my past mistakes, I wont say that this time but try to do it.

That reminds me that I have been trying to do a lot of things of late...... Lets start with how these months went by;

What happened to my agenda - Things to do for 2008 (refer to my last blog)

To start off with, I did buy my dream bike - The Royal Enfield 350cc Electra on the 9th of May and I'm damn exhilarated whenever I drive it. I know its not a big deal but its like the first cycle for a child - nothing like it then (remember your first time :)). It cost me a hell lot on my pocket as the interest rates are also up but its okay, I did managed it and the wait was over.

Secondly, I am now writing this from Mumbai which means that I managed to get transfered to Mumbai as I had thought of - closer now to my loved ones and friends :) Another reason for me to have a big grin on my face. Got shifted in the middle of March and things have been good since then, better than Delhi in terms of my personal life. As for the most often debated subject of Delhi vs Mumbai - which is better, maybe on my next post.

Thirdly, my elder sister got married in April this year and things have been good for her as well since then. yet another reason for me to be happy. :) :)

So lots of positives till now apart from a few here and there type sad events but thats fine as I keep taking it as a part of the game. Its okay or else you tend to miss out on the fun ;)

Today is a special day for me as I have started off to quit smoking - at least reduce it considerably. I know that in one of my posts I had said that it would go down with me to my grave but that was out of the love for it. Today, I'm trying to quit for something which is more valuable to me than it. Fair trade I guess. You give some, you take some. Lets see how far I go, This is a serious attempt and I do plan to pull this act through. Wish me luck :)

More on my next post. Till then, enjoy and keep reading.......... :)


Jeet's said...

First of all I would like to congratulate you for your favorite bike and also that you got transferred to Mumbai where you can get company of many more friends than those in Delhi  I am also very happy to know that you have decided to quit smoking but you know….. (I can’t dare to speak but you understand it all)…


@ jeet - Thanks a lot for the appreciation and encouragement. It means a lot :) One more things, my minds become a bit rusty of late so cant figure out the last bit (I cant dare speak but you understand it all!!!)...... Help me out with this as I cant figure out what this means!!!!

soumiksletter said...

First of All the Best for your new Attempt..I belive you can make it....

Now as everything is so much full of khushi main party kab de rahe ho sir :-)